Saturday, September 30, 2017

Genes that separate humans from fruit flies found

Genes which determine animal complexity – or what makes humans so much more complex than a fruit fly or a sea urchin – have been identified for the first time.

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New functions of hippocampus unveiled

A research team has made major breakthrough in unveiling the mysteries of the brain to reveal functions of an important region, hippocampus, not known to scientists before.

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Scientists develop broad-spectrum inhibitors of influenza virus

Artificial peptide molecules that neutralize a broad range of influenza virus strains have been developed by a team of researchers.

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Confronted with bacteria, infected cells die so others can live, study finds

In a new study, a team of researchers identified a ‘back-up alarm’ system in host cells that responds to a pathogen’s attempt to subvert the immune system.

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Study ranks safety, effectiveness of cognitive enhancers for Alzheimer's

A new study ranking the safety and effectiveness of four drugs taken to enhance concentration, memory, alertness and moods, found that donepezil was most likely to effectively improve cognition in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

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Friday, September 29, 2017

Snapchat users motivation, level of interest

The simplicity of the platform and brevity of posts are key factors in determining how students can become very regular users.

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Why public appeals may fall flat with some would-be donors

To give or not to give: sometimes the answer is in the question, researchers into human behavior and charitable giving have found. The study suggests that sometimes the ‘ask’ needs to suit the potential donors’ sense of independence or interdependence.

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Physical abuse and punishment impact children's academic performance

Scientists have found that physical abuse was associated with decreases in children’s cognitive performance, while non-abusive forms of physical punishment were independently associated with reduced school engagement and increased peer isolation.

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Smart molecules trigger white blood cells to become better cancer-eating machines

A team of researchers has engineered smart protein molecules that can reprogram white blood cells to ignore a self-defense signaling mechanism that cancer cells use to survive and spread in the body. Researchers say the advance could lead to a new method of re-engineering immune cells to fight cancer and infectious diseases. The team successfully tested this method in a live cell culture system.

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Central America 'kissing bug' carries two main subtypes of Chagas disease parasite

Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas disease, is divided into six strains, each of which differs in where they are found and in how important they are in human infections. Now, researchers have found that most T. cruzi parasites in Central America belong to just two of those strains.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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