Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Stand up -- it could help you lose weight

You might want to read this on your feet. A new study found that standing instead of sitting for six hours a day could prevent weight gain and help people to actually lose weight.

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Chlorinated lipids predict lung injury and death in sepsis patients

Researchers studied blood samples taken from patients diagnosed with sepsis and found that elevated chlorinated lipids predicted whether a patient would go on to suffer acute respiratory distress symptom (ARDS) and die within 30 days from a lung injury.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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How can students with autism be supported through college?

Thirty years ago it was rare for a student with ASD to enter college. But over the past decades, there has been much improvement in the detection and awareness of ASD in children. Now, with the provision of effective treatments, those with average or above average intellectual abilities are enrolling at universities.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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Cells rockin' in their DNA

Researcher find that some mechanosensitive genes are suppressed when subjected to audible sound.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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Small molecule plays a big role in reducing cancer's spread

One small molecule that helps regulate gene expression plays a big role in keeping us safe from the machinations of cancer, scientists report. In human lung cancer cells, they have shown low levels of the microRNA, miR-125a-5p, which enables the death of aberrant cells like cancer cells, correlates with high levels of the protein TIMP-1, which is already associated with a poor prognosis in patients with cancer.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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Maternal age over 40 is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth

Pregnant mothers aged 40 and over may have an increased risk for preterm birth, regardless of confounding factors, according to a new study.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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Pulling an all-nighter impairs working memory in women

Over the last few decades, a wealth of evidence has accumulated to suggest that a lack of sleep is bad for mind and body. Working memory is important for keeping things in mind for briefer periods of time, which thereby facilitates reasoning and planning. A team of sleep scientists now demonstrates that acute sleep loss impacts working memory differently in women and men.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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ID'ing features of flu virus genome may help target surveillance for pandemic flu

Researchers have identified features of the influenza virus genome that affect how well the virus multiplies. These features are similar but not identical across viral strains. It’s possible that the extent of similarity between strains influences whether two flu viruses can mix their genetic material to make a hybrid virus with the potential to explode into pandemic flu.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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Body movements just need a 'puff' of dopamine to get started

A new study in mice suggests that a burst of dopamine levels at the beginning of a movement only, as opposed to all the time, is what gets us going. This may have important implications for treating Parkinson’s disease.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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Hardening of the arteries

A team of researchers has advanced the scientific understanding of abnormal mineral accumulation in arteries, a complication often seen in patients with chronic kidney disease and diabetes. Mineralized arteries may affect heart functions, leading to death in some instances.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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