Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Young adult substance abuse down 42 percent among PROSPER program participants

Children who participated in the PROSPER (PROmoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience) program over seven years ago showed lower rates of substance abuse after high school graduation, according to a new study.

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Building better brains: A bioengineered upgrade for organoids

Scientists, for the first time, have combined organoids with bioengineering. Using small microfilaments, they show improved tissue architecture that mimics human brain development more accurately and allows more targeted studies of brain development and its malfunctions.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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Progress reported in global fight against diarrheal disease cryptosporidiosis

Infectious disease scientists have reported the discovery and early validation of a drug candidate for treating cryptosporidiosis, a diarrheal disease which is a major cause of child mortality in lower-income countries. Currently there are no vaccines or effective treatments.

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New tech promises easier cervical cancer screening

Researchers have developed a handheld device for cervical cancer screening that promises to do away with uncomfortable speculums and high-cost colposcopes. If widely adopted, women might even self-screen, transforming screening and cure rates in low-income regions where cervical cancer is most prevalent.

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Lower targets for systolic blood pressure suggested by study

Reducing target systolic blood pressure below current recommendations significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and preventable death, research concludes.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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How our brains integrate online reviews into our own product preferences

Researchers have identified how the human brain integrates social information when a person decides how much they like something, by studying how user reviews on Amazon influence how people rate the products.

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Possible correlation shown between the partial meltdown at TMI and thyroid cancers

For the first time, scientists have shown a possible correlation between the partial meltdown of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station and thyroid cancers in the counties surrounding the plant.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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Metabolic enzyme fuels molecular machinery of memory

Researchers have discovered, in the mouse brain, that a key metabolic enzyme works directly within the nucleus of neurons to turn genes on or off when new memories are being established.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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Half of adults with anxiety or depression report chronic pain

In a survey of adults with anxiety or a mood disorder like depression or bipolar disorder, about half reported experiencing chronic pain, according to researchers.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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Visual recognition memory impaired after multiple exposures to anesthesia during infancy

Repeated exposure to a common anesthesia drug early in life results in visual recognition memory impairment, which emerges after the first year of life and may persist long-term, according to a study.

from Top Health News – ScienceDaily
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